Dolores Mountain Quilters Meeting

The new start-up DMQ2, or Dolores Mountain Quilters 2, will begin a trial run beginning on June 17 at 10:00 am at the Dolores Public Library.
The purpose of the new group is to invite folks who cannot make the Tuesday morning meetings of the regular guild. We hope to recruit and inspire new members with ideas and energy that will help keep the guild a strong organization.
The presenter for June will be Peggie Thomas of Tucson, AZ. She has a textile art exhibit on display at the library at that time.
All members of the guild are invited to attend as well. We will give a quick explanation of the guild's purpose and activities as an introduction. Following that will be the program by Peggie, and a show and tell provided by guild members. You are encouraged to bring a sample of work and talk about what inspires you or started your quilter's journey.
Please contact LouAnn Burkett for further information: