Circulation Policies

The following policies are necessary for accurate tracking of library materials and to insure fair access for all patrons of the Dolores Public Library. There are, though, situations when staff can use judgment when enforcing policy. If there is a question about enforcement, the Director or staff member in charge should be consulted.
General Information
- Upon obtaining a library card, a patron may borrow materials from the library and request interlibrary loans.
- Patrons are responsible for all items checked out on their card.
- New patrons are limited to one item until their library card is received in the mail. Patron must show card at next check-out.
Registration Types
District Residents
- The Dolores Public Library shall issue a library card to all residents who reside in the Library District, including those who own property in the Library District.
- Valid Photo ID and proof of address is required
Colorado Library Card
- Patrons with a current library card from any library in Colorado and a valid picture ID may receive a Dolores Public Library card. Cardholders not in good standing may not be eligible to borrow materials from the Dolores Public Library.
Out of District Residents
- Out of District residents may obtain a library card for a $10 non-refundable charge. This card is valid for one year.
- Valid Photo ID with home address is required and local contact information must be provided.
- Children under the age of 18 require a parent/guardian signature on the library card application form. Parent/Guardian must have a library card and provide Photo ID and proof of address.
School District (Adult)
- Employees and parents of students at Dolores School District RE-4A who live outside of our library district are eligible for a free library card.
- The School District library card application (which is disseminated only at school activities), must be used if adult is not requesting the card in person. The completed form can be returned via the school and the card will be mailed to the new patron.
- In lieu of a school-specific form, this card may be issued in person to adults who show photo ID and proof of their association with the school district (e.g. a school issued note to parents or staff ID).
School District (Juvenile)
- Students at Dolores School District RE-4A who live outside of our library district are eligible for a free library card.
- Students under 18 may get a card with a non-Patron guarantor, if their parent/guardian does not have nor wishes to get a library card.
- Students under 18 can receive a library card without a parent/guardian presenting a photo ID and proof of address in person when the following criteria are fulfilled:
- The School District library card application (which is disseminated only at school activities) is returned via a school staff member. This ensures eligibility based on association with the school district. The form must be signed by a parent/guardian. This is due diligence to ensure the parent/guardian is aware that their child is requesting a card.
- The library card will be mailed to the patron using the parent/guardian’s name. This ensures the parent/guardian is aware that their child has received a library card.
Loan Limits/Periods by Item Type
- New Books: 10 items for 10 days
- New DVDs: 5 items for 7 days
- Books: 12 items for 21 days
- DVDs: 5 items for 7 days
- Children’s Books: 50 items for 21 days
- Equipment: 1 item for 21 days
- Local Library Checkout Only: 10 items for 21 days
- Non-circulating materials (in-library use only): reference materials, current issues of periodicals, & newspapers.
- Materials may be renewed by telephone or online.
- All materials may be renewed twice, except for Equipment (not renewable) and the State Park Pass Backpack (1 renewal).
- Materials that are on hold may not be renewed.
- Library materials will not be due on days the library is closed, but will be due on the next day the library is open.
- Library materials may be returned to the library circulation desk or the book drop. The book drop is open 24 hours a day. Items returned in the book drop after the library is closed are considered returned that day.
- The Dolores Public Library does not charge overdue fines for any materials.
- Patrons receive automatic email notifications when an item is overdue and will be contacted directly by staff if the item is three weeks overdue.
Lost or Damaged Items
- After an item is 60 days late it is considered lost. At that point a written invoice for the lost items containing the list of items and replacement cost will be sent.
- Replacement items may be accepted in lieu of payment only at the discretion of the Library Director or assigned staff.
- Borrowing privileges are restricted if no contact has been made after invoice has been sent. Patron must pay all charges in full before borrowing privileges are re-instated.
- Patrons are responsible for the replacement cost of an item that has been lost or has been damaged beyond repair.
- The replacement cost will be refunded to the patron for lost items that have been found at the Library Director’s discretion.
- If part of an item is lost, the patron will be charged the cost of replacement if the part can be replaced. If the part cannot be replaced, the patron will be charged the cost of the entire item.
- Holds may be placed on any circulating material.
- Holds may be placed in person, by telephone, or online.
- There is no charge for holds.
- There is a limit of 10 holds on most item types.
- Patrons will be notified by telephone or email when the reserved item is available.
- Material will be held for one week from the date of notification.
- Materials can be renewed if no other holds are placed on it.
Interlibrary Loan Service
Borrowing Policy
- All types of materials may be requested through interlibrary loan. Decision to fill the request is left to the discretion of the lending library.
- DPL does not charge for interlibrary loan service.
- If a lending library charges for loaning an item, this charge is passed on to the patron.
- If a lending library charges for photocopies of journal articles, this charge is passed on to the patron.
- Loan period for Books and CDs is three weeks and DVDs is seven days. Interlibrary loan materials may not be renewed.
- Patrons are responsible for lost items. Charges are based on fees charged by the loaning library.
Lending Policies
- DPL loans all circulating books and AV material.
- Materials are loaned in accordance with the rules set by the interlibrary loan system.
- The library accepts interlibrary loan requests via Prospector.
- Interlibrary loan materials are shipped via the state courier service whenever possible.
ADOPTED: October 12, 2021
AMENDED: September 13, 2022