Book Donation Guidelines

We appreciate your donations, but we ask that you follow these guidelines.
We like:
- hardcover and paperback books
- popular non-fiction (ex. cookbooks, history, bios, crafts, hobbies)
- DVDs and audio CDs
- Children and young adult books
We don't need:
- encyclopedias
- textbooks/computer manuals
- books discarded from other libraries
- Reader's Digest Condensed Books
- VHS and cassette tapes
- outdated travel guides
- magazines
Books that are dirty, torn, moldy, water damaged, missing pages, or written in will not be accepted.
Rule of thumb: if you wouldn't buy it or give it to a friend, we don't want it either!
Donations Accepted
- 1st Saturday of every month
- 10 am - 2 pm
- at the Storage Shed beginning April, 2022