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August 2024 Newsletter

A graphic with mountains, trees, orange text "August 2024," and contact information for the Dolores Public Library.

A big thank you to everyone who took part in, volunteered for, or contributed to our 2024 Summer Reading program. It was quite an adventure, and we hope you had as much fun as we did. If you joined the Summer Reading Program but haven't collected your prize yet, please visit the library soon.

This August, we have exciting new programs lined up, from a meet-&-greet with candidates vying to represent our community to various teen clubs. Additionally, we are teaming up with the San Juan Mountains Association for an Author Event featuring Debra Van Winegarden and Thomas Holt Ward discussing their new guidebook, La Plata Mountains: Comprehensive Guide to Peaks and Trails.

There will be an end-of-summer celebration for your kids: come to Smokey Bear's Birthday Party on Friday, August 9th at 11a. There will be games, crafts, adventures, Smokey, and best of all, cake!

We look forward to seeing you at the Dolores Public Library this August and having you join in on our new programs!


P.S. Check out a couple exciting programs taking place the beginning of September! 

Flyer for "Friends of the Dolores Public Library Donation Day" on August 3rd with book graphics.
A poster for a "Blocks without Borders" exhibit with quilt images, displayed in a library's Quiet Room for August.
A poster for an author event at a library with a mountain guidebook cover and two people posing on a peak.
Poster for a book club at the Dolores Public Library discussing "The Burning" by Tim Madigan on Thursday, August 11th.
A flyer for a political candidate meet and greet event featuring a man in a blue shirt.
A poster for the "Books & Bikes Book Club" starting September 5th at the Dolores Bike Hostel, with a bicycle image.
A poster for a writing workshop with Katayoun Medhat at Dolores Public Library, focusing on character creation.
A flyer for a quilters' meeting at Dolores Community Center, promoting creativity and skill in quilting, with a mention of a quilt show.
A poster inviting to a Song Circle event by the river, with a large moon, musical notes, and event details.
A poster promoting Qi Gong classes every Tuesday at 10:15 am, with silhouettes practicing against a sunrise.
A poster for Gentle Yoga classes at a library, listing dates, yoga styles, instructors, and a contact number.
A poster for "Knit & Natter by the River" at Dolores Public Library, inviting people to knit together every Thursday at 5 pm.
A poster for a "Mahjong Fridays" pick-up game event, Hong Kong style, at Dolores Public Library from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Open to all skill levels, no registration needed.
A poster for Smokey Bear's 80th birthday event with adventure, games, cake, featuring the iconic character and wildfire prevention message.
Anime Club poster for ages 8-13 at Dolores Public Library with Japanese snacks, manga, and more, every Friday 4-5 PM starting August 2.
Poster for "LEGO Friday" at Dolores Public Library with scattered LEGO pieces.
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